Wednesday, May 27, 2015


On June 1, 2015, I'm flying to Edinburgh for the summer. I've got an airbnb room on the outskirts of the city center within walking distance to the Zoo, the Modern, the Botanical Gardens, the Waters of Leith and the Sunday Farmer's Market. I've visited before but only for a few days at a time and I've either been pregnant, married with child or whisked from place to place on a whirlwind tour. This time, I can stay put, on my own and do justice to this magnificent city once and for all. Edinburgh is "my Paris" with all the romantic fantasies and obsessions that some have for that other European capital. The country of Scotland has fired my imagination all my life - the music, the landscape, the poetry and literature, the textiles, the art and architecture, the stones, the sea, the magic.

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