Monday, June 22, 2015

6.22.15 Cafe Society

My hostess buys organic Scottish milk.

Lovely Indian tapas restaurant. Masala chai.

Chinese. Very close to Filmhouse where I basically live now.

Fun fresh Asian fusion type place. Also near Filmhouse.

There was no disclosure about the abundance of CAKE. Its a thing.

It's quite a hike to the Modern. Over 140 steps. So cake is ok.

Piccolo. Dovecot Tapestry Studios.

Lemonade. Grassmarket. Everyone else is at the pubs.

Waiting for Haggis burger at The Bothy. Murrayfield Hotel.

Homemade jam cake(Vickie sponge, most likely) and prosecco. Poetry and Song at the Unitarian Church. 31st Birthday celebration for the The Scottish Poetry Library. The only poetry only library in the world, probably.Reopens after renovation in September. They need a front desk person. I could do that.

"Poetry = the best possible words in the best possible order."

Ok, off to The Filmhouse now.....

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