Monday, June 29, 2015

6.29.15 Study in Stone

The islands,lochs, firths,
burns and bens of Scotland. 

A stone mosaic representing the islands of Orkney just north of the mainland of Scotland. Vistor's Center, Kirkwall, Orkney.

Some of the iconic megaliths of the 
standing stone circle and henge known as The Ring of Brodgar, the largest stone circle in Britain, dated c. 3000BC.

One of the original stones, now recumbant, broken into its natural cleavage.

Shapes of the standing stones reflected in the local architecture in the nearby village of Stromness.

A walk on the shore reveals a possible source of great natural sandstone slabs.Each slab might weigh a few tons.They were all brought to the Ring site in pre-wheel times.

Sculpture by British sculptor Barbara Hepworth carved from natural stone and reflecting the natural curvature of found stones. Pier Art Center, Stromness, Orkney.

An impromptu cairn of indeterminate age, I'd say built from beach rubble. This overlooks the Bay of Skaill where the neolithic village of Scara Brae is located.

And a modern garden feature built looking over to the island Hoy.

Naturally tumbled sandstone.

I love Orkney.

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